To help folks I work with try to grasp what it takes to deliver high-quality Webinars, I have created a rubric. Why a rubric? Why not just a checklist? Because delivering high-quality Webinars takes practice. It's not a skill you will develop in a single sitting. Rubrics help to show the continuum of novice presenter through expert. Here's what I have so far -- it's not all inclusive -- I still need to add a section for the tools and one for the technology considerations. See what you think. The rubric doesn't display very well here. For a better view and to download a copy, access my professional Web site at
I have also assigned a Creative Commons license to this rubric so others can use it if they want to. You just need to give attribution to Yvonne Clark and Peg Shuffstall.
Webinar and Virtual
Conference Best Practices
Level 1 – beginner, little or no experience, expects
webinars to be exactly the same as f-2-f presentations
Level 2 – intermediate, some experience, recognizes
differences between Webinars and f-2-f presentations, may be able to
Level 3 – advanced, has presented in a number of webinars,
knows the tools available for use and how to use them, is able to multitask,
interacts with participants
Was well prepared
Was knowledgeable
Stayed on topic
Stayed within the time allotted
Spoke clearly
Was easy to hear and understand (unrelated to
technology problems)
Was well prepared
Was knowledgeable
Was enthusiastic about the topic(s)
Summarized the main points
Stayed on topic
Stayed within the time allotted
Spoke clearly
Was easy to hear and understand (unrelated to
technology problems)
Was well prepared
Was knowledgeable
Was enthusiastic about the topic(s)
Energized the presentation
Made smooth transitions between topics
Summarized the main points
Stayed on topic
Stayed within the time allotted
Spoke clearly
Was easy to hear and understand (unrelated to
technology problems)
Used his or her voice to add interest to the
presentation by varying the pitch, speed, and volume
Coped well with unexpected issues and problems
Spoke in a conversational tone, not as if reading
from a script or bulleted list
Acknowledged participant contributions to chat and
Provided activities that helped participants feel
connected and included
Spoke in a conversational tone, not as if reading
from a script or bulleted list
Was aware of verbal tics (e.g., “you know,” “um,”
“OK”) and made a conscious effort to avoid them
Acknowledged participant contributions to chat and
Provided activities that helped participants feel
connected and included
Discussed poll results as part of the presentation
Discussed responses to discussion questions as part
of the presentation
Spoke in a conversational tone, not as if reading
from a script or bulleted list
Speech was smooth and confident and void of verbal
Acknowledged participant contributions to chat and
Provided activities that helped participants feel
connected and included
Discussed poll results as part of the presentation
Discussed responses to discussion questions as part
of the presentation
Monitored chat and Q&A and interacted with
Addressed questions from participants and worked
responses into the presentation
Responded to participants by name
Was useful to the needs of the participants
Was timely
Was unbiased
Was well organized
Was interesting
A handout with relevant information was provided
prior to the Webinar
An agenda was presented at the beginning of the
Webinar to help participants organize
their learning
Was useful to the needs of the participants
Was timely
Was unbiased
Was well organized
Transitions between topics were smooth
Was interesting
Was easy to understand
Made sense
Was complete and correct
A handout with relevant information was provided
prior to the Webinar
An agenda was presented at the beginning of the
Webinar to help participants organize
their learning
Pre-work assignment was provided to help participants
prepare for the Webinar
Pre-work assignment was incorporated into the
Post-work assignment was suggested to help
participants apply what they learned
Was useful to the needs of the participants
Was timely
Was unbiased
Was well organized
Transitions between topics were smooth
Was interesting
Was easy to understand
Made sense
Was complete and correct
The amount of content was appropriate for the
audience and the time allotted
A handout with relevant information was provided
prior to the Webinar
An agenda was presented at the beginning of the
Webinar to help participants organize
their learning
Pre-work assignment was provided to help participants
prepare for the Webinar
Pre-work assignment was incorporated into the
Post-work assignment was suggested to help
participants apply what they learned
PowerPoint slides and graphics were visually pleasing
Graphics were easy to view/read and understand
Text was easy to read
PowerPoint slides and graphics were visually pleasing
Graphics were easy to view/read and understand
Graphics were appropriate for the topic and audience
Graphics added value
Text was easy to read
PowerPoint slides and graphics were visually pleasing
Graphics were easy to view/read and understand
Graphics were appropriate for the topic and audience
Graphics added value
Text was easy to read
There was enough variety and interest in the visuals
to hold participants’ interest
Use of audio and video was appropriate for the topic
and audience
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations participants might have
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations of the delivery platform
Audio and video clips added value
Use of audio and video was appropriate for the topic
and audience
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations participants might have
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations of the delivery platform
Audio and video clips added value
Use of audio and video was appropriate for the topic
and audience
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations participants might have
Use of audio and video took into account technical
limitations of the delivery platform
Audio and video clips added value
Were relevant
Were easy for participants to complete
Helped with comprehension and retention
Added value
Were relevant
Were easy for participants to complete
Helped with comprehension and retention
Added value
Outcomes were incorporated into the presentation
Made good use of the tools available in the meeting room
Enough time was allotted to complete activities
Were relevant
Were easy for participants to complete
Helped with comprehension and retention
Added value
Outcomes were incorporated into the presentation
Made good use of the tools available in the meeting
Held participants’ attention
Were unique and creative
Enough time was allotted to complete activities
Took into account technology limitations participants
might have
Use of Meeting Room
Made rudimentary use of meeting room tools
Used a variety of tools
Use of tools added value to the presentation
Used a variety of meeting room tools
Use of tools was fluid and didn’t interrupt the flow
of the presentation
Use of tools added value to the presentation
Use of tools aided understanding of content and
Used a variety of meeting room tools
Used tools creatively
Use of tools was fluid and didn’t interrupt the flow
of the presentation
Use of tools added value to the presentation
Use of tools aided understanding of content and
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